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DreamTech Board Members


Prof. E.A. Thoroh de Souza

  • Founder and chairman of board.

  • Professor of Physics, EE and Material Science at Mackenzie University

  • Idealizer of MackGraphe (Graphene and Nanomaterial Research Center)

  • Counselor of China Innovation Alliance of the Graphene Industry.

Prof. Sir Andre Geim 


  • Nobel Prize in Physics 2010

  • Professor of Physics, University of Manchester, UK

  • Chairman of the EU Graphene Flagship Program Strategy Advisory Committee.

  • Partner, director, chief scientist of DT nanotech.

  • Fellow of the Royal Academy of Natural Sciences

Prof. Simon Xiaoye Xiao


  • Founder and CEO - DT nanotech

  • Vice President, China International Graphene Resources Industry Alliance

  • Leading the industry to develop the top ten innovative entrepreneurs (2018).

  • China Council of Graphene Industry Tech. Innovation Strategic Alliance Executive Director

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